9 Best Vegan Calcium Sources and Supplements

Can You Get Calcium Without Dairy?

Calcium is a mineral that plays a crucial role in our body. It’s a mineral that is not only responsible for keeping bones and teeth strong but also carries out important functions in the body such as muscle contractions, nerve transmission, blood clotting and controlling your muscles.

This mineral has a wide range of availability in foods, not just milk and dairy. It is a common misconception that you can only have calcium whenever you drink cow’s milk or eat food that is rich in dairy. In fact, there is nothing special about calcium content in cow’s milk, you can get the same amount of calcium that is effectively absorbed by drinking fortified soy milk. Even better, eating vegetables that are rich in calcium in low-oxalate vegetables such as bok choy, broccoli, and kale that absorbable by 15% – 30% more than drinking cow’s milk according to research cited by Dr. Greger.

Many plant foods contain this mineral so you can get all the calcium you need through a plant-based diet.

Here Are The Top 9 Vegan Foods That Are High in Calcium

1. Lentils, Beans and Peas

The intake of legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils. Not only they are rich in fibre, but they also are an excellent vegan calcium source.

green lentils in a glass jar mix beans J9YX7V
Lentils, Beans and Peas

Cooked per 100g

  • Soybeans – 277 mg
  • White beans – 90.00mg
  • Navy beans –  69.00 mg
  • Bean sprouts – 56.00 mg
  • Chickpeas – 46.00 mg
  • Kidney beans – 26.00 mg
  • Green Peas – 24.00 mg
  • Lentils – 19.00 mg

2. Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables are incredibly healthy, and many of them are a great vegan calcium source

Photo of Leafy green vegetables that are  incredibly healthy, and many of them are a great vegan calcium source
Fresh picked greens from the garden, collards, kale, broccoli. Clean food. Healthy product.

Serving Size: Per 100 g

  • Kale Cooked – 272 mg
  • Kale Raw – 254 mg
  • Collards Cooked – 249 mg
  • Collard Raw – 232 mg
  • Bok Choy – 114 mg
  • Chinese Cabbage Cooked – 109 mg
  • Chinese Cabbage Raw – 105 mg
  • Broccoli Cooked – 49 mg
  • Broccoli Raw – 47 mg

3. Seeds

Aside from being a wonderful vegan calcium source, seeds also provide protein and healthy fats that the body needs.

ingredients as source natural vitamins and dietary PCX8LH
Ingredients as source vitamins, dietary fibre and natural minerals

Serving per 100g added into a salad or oats.

  • Chia Seeds – 667 mg
  • Flax Seeds – 200 mg
  • Hemp Seeds – 70 mg
  • Sunflower Seeds – 70 mg

4. Soya and Tofu

fresh firm bean curd tofu FWWQB
Two blocks of fresh bean curd (tofu)

Serving Size Per 100 g

  • Tofu – 200 to 400 mg
  • Tofu Yogurt – 118 mg
  • Tempeh – 111 mg

5. Fresh Fruits – Surprising Vegan Calcium Source

colorful fruits oranges mandarins kiwi Y4WNRS
Oranges, Kiwi and Tangerines

Serving Size: Per 100g

  • Oranges – 40 mg
  • Prickly Pears – 56 mg
  • Tangerines – 37 mg
  • Figs – 35 mg
  • Kiwi Fruit -35 mg

6. Seaweed

japanese seaweed salad P38UB2
Japanese seaweed salad with black salt

Serving Size: Per 100 g

Best eaten raw – 129 mg

7. Dried Fruits

dried goji berries PWS9LK
pile of healthy goji berries

Serving Size per 100 grams

  • Goji Berries – 190 mg
  • Figs – 162 mg
  • Currants (Dried Gooseberry) – 88 mg
  • Raisins (Dried Grapes) – 62 mg

8. Nuts

walnuts hazelnuts and almonds in jars PCNSLQ
Walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds in jars

Serving Size: 100 g

  • Almonds – 267 mg
  • Brazil Nuts – 160 mg
  • Pistachio Nuts – 105 mg
  • Hazel Nuts – 100 mg
  • Walnuts – 98 mg

9. Drinks

Nut milk is one of the easiest to consume vegan calcium sources. It’s an alternative to milk without any of the downsides of dairy.

non dairy alternatives soy milk or yogurt in glass ZL3RB
Non-dairy alternatives Soy milk

Served per 100ml

  • Almond Milk (unsweetened) – 184 mg
  • Soy Milk – 123 mg

How Much Calcium Do You Need?

Dr Greger recommends at least 600 mg daily via calcium-­rich plant foods mentioned above.

This video will help you to understand calcium in cow’s milk versus calcium in plant-based foods.

You can find the importance of Vitamin D and how to get it here.


With so many natural vegan sources of calcium, we don’t think that supplements are necessary.

If you feel that you still need supplements, then iHerb is a great place to order.


NutritionFacts.org by Dr. Greger https://nutritionfacts.org/video/calcium-absorption-soy-milk-versus-cow-milk/



About the Author

<a href="https://strongwithplants.com/author/inga/" target="_self">Inga K</a>

Inga K

Inga became vegan in March 2018. After a series of documentaries that hit hard, she and her husband switched to a plant-based diet within a week and vegan soon after.Inga has a UK Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Diet and Nutrition.

Strongwithplants.com is a blog for anyone who strives for a healthy and happy life. We share 100% plant-based (and often healthy and oil-free) recipes and give you the best tips on finding vegan local food whilst travelling and living a plant-based lifestyle focusing on good health and spiritual wellbeing.

We like to consume food, products and services that don’t harm our bodies, animals, or the planet. Use as little as possible and recycle everything.

Each individual’s dietary needs are unique. Please seek advice from a professional nutritionist or your doctor.

Please see the full disclaimer here.



  1. Ivana

    So informative! I didn’t know seaweed was also rich in calcium. I’ll make sure to consume more of it 🙂

  2. Trace x

    I really appreciated this article as we are mostly vegan in our family! Lots of good ideas here, especially the seaweed and dried fruit. I didn’t know this and will definitely add this to our diet! Thank you for the great tips!

  3. Jean

    glad I love the veggies here that are good sources of calcium too

  4. Martha Tim

    Loved Reading this…that chart is very helpful.

  5. Naina Shinde

    Nice articles, and thanks for sharing the list of which are high in calcium, as most of our family members are vegan will surely recommended this to them…. 🙂

  6. Vaishali

    Superb information and all in one place. Now I know where to direct my readers to when they ask this question


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