11 Best Herbal Teas For Your Health | Benefits & Dangers

When it comes to herbal tea, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. That’s because the best herbal teas for different conditions can vary tremendously in terms of their ingredients and effects. However, some of the most beneficial herbal teas for overall health include Chamomile Tea for relaxation and insomnia, Hibiscus tea for reducing body fat, Lemon Balm tea for improving cognitive function and Ginger root tea to combat nausea and stomach cramps.

Scientific studies for herbal teas

Many of the studies for chemical compounds are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies. There is little to no financial benefit in funding research on herbal teas. So there are fewer studies and the scale is usually smaller. But fortunately, there are some that have been sponsored by universities and various governments around the world.

11 best Herbal Teas for Your Health | Benefits and dangers
Having a cup of tea at home during breakfast.

For all benefits and dangers, you can find peer-reviewed scientific studies linked throughout the article as well as at the bottom of the article.

Dangers of herbal teas

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is crucial to discuss the side effects of various teas and to list other medications you may be taking.

Herbal tea and most dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. You should discuss with your health care provider if you are taking medication or planning on having herbal tea as a treatment.

In addition, some of the dangers of individual teas are listed under each tea.

Do not give any herbal/health supplement to a child without qualified medical advice.

two cups of healthy herbal tea with mint 2022 01 02 05 05 41 utc 1
Two cups of healthy herbal tea with mint, cinnamon, dried rose and camomile flowers.

The Top 11 Herbal Teas Beneficial for Health

When it comes to herbal tea, there are many different types and benefits to consider. Here are the top eleven teas that are beneficial for health.

1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has been consumed as a herbal tea for centuries as a traditional remedy to treat various health issues; reduce inflammation, and boost antioxidants and is generally used as healing medicine. It’s still a popular drink today and will continue to be used in the future due to its promising health benefits.

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory properties that may help with preventing damaging pancreas cells that may be damaged due to chronically elevated blood sugar levels.

Can lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. Research in a 2008 study found that daily consumption of tea with meals could significantly inhibit the accumulation of sorbitol in human erythrocytes and this could prevent the progress of hyperglycemia and diabetic complications.

Relieving severe PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) cramps and anxiety in women. A study in 2010 found that drinking Chamomile tea for a month showed an effective therapy in relieving the pain and reducing the anxiety associated with period pain.

Camomile contains flavonoid, apigenin, it’s a chemical compound that has a mild tranquillizing and sleep-inducing effect once it binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain and may reduce insomnia and improve the quality of sleep. Although research is limited, camomile showed a significant improvement in sleep quality.

cup of green herbal camomile tea and herbs 2021 07 26 16 57 26 utc
Chamomile Tea

How to prepare Chamomile tea

Ratio: 1 tbsp of dried chamomile or 1 chamomile tea bag per 1 cup of water.

  1. Fill the tea kettle with 8 oz (250 ml) water and hit it up.
  2. Place 3-4 tbsp of chamomile flowers in a glass/teapot and pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers. Allow it to steep for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea using a fine mesh, pour into a cup and enjoy.
beautiful chamomile flowers 2021 09 03 22 29 14 utc

Dangers of Chamomile

Chamomile belongs to the daisy family and some people have an allergic reaction.

Watch how Chamomile tea is grown and turned into tea

2. Hibiscus Tea

People have been using hibiscus as a herbal tea, leaves and stems, and flowers for food and making traditional medicine for centuries.

Nowadays, research has uncovered the powerful health benefits this tea can offer from reducing blood pressure to aiding in weight loss and even fighting a bacterium.

One of the well-known health benefits of the tea is that it may help reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension. Several studies have found that drinking tea showed a significant effect on hibiscus in lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Similarly, the other study found a similar effect of hibiscus on blood pressure. When people drank daily three cups of hibiscus tea for six weeks the effect of reducing systolic blood pressure was significant compared to those given a placebo.

Reducing body fat – hibiscus tea showed a notable result in helping to reduce body fat. This particular study was conducted for 12 weeks and showed a promising result. Drinking hibiscus – reduced body weight, BMI, body fat, and waist-to-hip ratio. Furthermore, consuming hibiscus showed changes in improving the illness of liver steatosis by lowering serum fatty acid (FFA). Therefore, incorporating hibiscus as a part of your daily drinking habit could prevent obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Hibiscus is known for its antibacterial properties. The methanol extract of the hibiscus contained an effective antibacterial agent. While it’s obvious that the tea may help fight bacteria, researchers are continuing to study its effectiveness in people.

hot hibiscus tea in a glass mug and glass teapot 2022 01 21 17 21 31 utc
Hibiscus Tea

How to prepare hot Hibiscus tea

Ratio: ¼ cup of dried flowers per cup of tea.

  1. Boil the water either on the stovetop or in a kettle.
  2. Add dried hibiscus flowers (10 petals) to a standard-sized teapot for brewing.
  3. Cover them with boiled water and let them steep for 5 minutes. Then strain and enjoy.

Cold brew Hibiscus tea

  1. Add 1/2 cup of dried hibiscus to a large jar and pour in 4 cups of cold water.
  2. Cover and let it chill in the fridge overnight. If you wish to get hibiscus’ deep dark red colour, it will take up to 24 hours to brew.
  3. Strain the tea and discard the flowers.
  4. Enjoy sipping with ice or without.
red hibiscus flower 2022 08 01 01 27 04 utc

Dangers of Hibiscus

Hibiscus may cause blood pressure to drop. This could cause other issues associated with low blood pressure. If you are taking medication this could be life-threatening.

3. Peppermint Tea

Many people around the world consume peppermint as a caffeine-free refreshing herbal tea. Peppermint has several health benefits and can be consumed as a cold or as a hot tea.

Peppermint contains various antioxidants called flavonoids. They have anti-inflammatory effects and they work to protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals that may lead to chronic diseases.

Peppermint leaves contain the essential oil menthol which is well known for its effective decongestant properties. Inhaling menthol or drinking peppermint tea helps with relieving the symptoms associated with a stuffy nose, sore throat and cough caused by allergies or cold.

Peppermint oil showed an effective short-term treatment for IBS and improvement in abdominal pain. However, future studies are needed to assess the long-term efficacy of peppermint oil.

While studies on the effect of peppermint tea on enhancing memory and concentration are unavailable, there are some studies were done on the effect of peppermint oil taken by indigestion. A study found that essential oil with a high concentration of menthol might boost alertness and increase concentration. Peppermint oil is not the same as drinking peppermint tea. It’s highly concentrated than tea (Under any circumstances do not ingest peppermint oil without professional health care advice).

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Peppermint tea

How to prepare Peppermint tea

Ratio: 10 – 15 fresh peppermint leaves per 2 cups of filtered water depends on how strong you want it to be. Or 1 tbsp dried leaves or 1 teabag to 8 ounces (250 ml) of water.

  1. Boil water either on the stovetop or in an electric kettle.
  2. Pour it over peppermint leaves and let it infuse for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea into cups and enjoy.
green peppermint leaves close up 2022 07 27 15 11 55 utc

Dangers of Peppermint

Over-consumption of peppermint tea is associated with cramping, drowsiness, tremors, muscle pain, and a drop in heart rate.

4. Rooibos Tea

Rooibos means ‘red bush’ and it originated in South Africa. Its leaves are fermented and turned into caffeine-free delicious herbal tea.

Rooibos tea is rich in antioxidants that can reduce blood pressure and improve heart health.

Volunteers at risk for cardiovascular disease participated in a 2011 study where they consumed six cups of fermented, traditional rooibos daily for six weeks. The result showed that LDL levels (bad cholesterol) decreased whereas HDL levels (good cholesterol) increased. The study confirmed that consuming rooibos tea daily could significantly protect the heart from developing cardiovascular disease.

Regular consumption of Rooibos tea may help to increase minerals in the bone structure, particularly in postmenopausal women and make the bones stronger as shown in this research. Rooibos tea has been found to improve osteoblast activity. Drinking 1-2 cups daily is great for boosting your bone health.

Rooibos tea is packed with antioxidants and polyphenols that both are critical for our health. Antioxidants protect our bodies from damage caused by free radicals contributing to the risk of developing cancer. Rooibos contains quercetin and luteolin, the oxidants that showed killing tumour cells and significantly inhibited their growth, showed in 2002 test studies. However, more studies are needed, particularly in humans, to draw any conclusions about this finding. Researchers continue to discover Rooibos and their efficacy on human health and their healing qualities.

composition with tea on a wooden background 2020 08 31 10 34 30 utc
Rooibos Tea

How to prepare Rooibos tea

Ratio: 1 tsp of rooibos tea leaves per 8 oz. or 250 ml of water.

  1. Bring water to boil in a saucepan or in a kettle.
  2. Place rooibos tea in a teapot and pour over hot water.
  3. Steep for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Strain the tea leaves using a fine mesh strainer into cups.
  5. Serve and enjoy.
rooibos tea on a black background flat lay copy 2022 03 30 18 12 49 utc

Dangers of Rooibos

Excessive consumption of Rooibos tea is associated with higher estrogenic activity and liver issues.

5. Lemon Ginger Tea

Lemon-ginger tea is one of the favourite herbal teas amongst tea drinkers. People have been drinking this tea for centuries as a health tonic.

Ginger tea is well known for its ability to help with indigestion and is particularly helpful in tackling nausea and vomiting due to sickness, chemotherapy due to side effects or morning sickness during pregnancy. This study suggests that the effectiveness of ginger in combating nausea and vomiting symptoms is as powerful as the medication but with fewer side effects.

Lemon ginger tea can help with preventing headaches and overall body aches and pains due to the anti-inflammatory effects of both lemon and ginger that prevent inflammation.

Ginger is a very effective remedy for improving liver health and its functionality. Many studies have suggested that ginger has a powerful health effect on liver health, particularly may help to protect the liver against toxicity and diseases related to non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Consumption of lemon juice and its health benefits has been known since ancient times. People used it in traditional medicine against high blood pressure, common cold and irregular menstruation. Nowadays, this has been backed up by numerous scientific studies.

Why not combine lemon and ginger together and make yourself a drink that is flavourful and full of health benefits?

ginger and lemon tea 2021 09 09 20 45 07 utc
Lemon-Ginger Tea

How to prepare Lemon Ginger tea

  1. Bring a kettle of water to a boil.
  2. Peel fresh ginger root into thin slices or finely chop. For a stronger gingery taste, consider grating it. (1 tsp to 8 oz. or 250 ml of water).
  3. Cut a thin slice of lemon and combine it with ginger and water.
  4. Seemer for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Serve and enjoy.
ginger 2021 08 26 15 24 18 utc

Dangers of Lemon and Ginger

A common side-effect is mouth or throat irritation. Abdominal discomfort is less common.

Cardiac arrhythmias are associated with excessive consumption of ginger.

6. Lavender Tea

The most well-known health benefit of lavender is its ability to provide relaxation and calmness. Its fragrant aroma delivers a calming effect on the nervous system and promotes quality sleep.

One study reported that women in the postpartum period who inhaled lavender essential oil for 4 days per week for two months, saw their quality of sleep improve significantly compared to those new mums who were given a placebo. Similarly, another study found that midlife women with insomnia, after receiving lavender aromatherapy twice per week, for 12 weeks have experienced a significant improvement in sleep quality.

Lavender has antibacterial properties and can fight many diseases caused by bad bacteria in the gut such as ulcerative colitis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disorder) Crohn’s disease and many more. Researchers have confirmed that lavender can improve gut flora which has a positive effect on acute colitis.

Lavender tea can ease the symptoms of stress and anxiety. A randomised clinical trial in 2020 conducted research on the effect of lavender herbal tea on the anxiety and depression of the elderly. The study reported that elderly participants were prescribed lavender tea as a decoction in the morning and at night over 2 weeks. The result confirmed that drinking lavender tea reduced the symptoms of depression and anxiety in older adults.

healing herbal tea with lavender 2029 08 26 15 51 17 utc
Lavender Tea

How to prepare Lavender herbal tea

  1. Boil 8 oz (250 ml) of water
  2. Place the lavender buds into a tea ball
  3. Place the tea ball in a teacup and pour boiling water over it.
  4. Allow steeping for 10 minutes.
  5. Serve and enjoy.

Consider making a cuppa before bedtime as its aroma, can calm restlessness and unwind you before bed.

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Dangers of Lavender

Taking lavender with other relaxing medications may cause breathing problems and excessive sleepiness.

7. Lemon Balm/Melissa Tea

Lemon Balm or Melissa officinalis is a lemon-scented herb that comes from the same family as mint. This herb is packed with healthful compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenol, and rosmarinic acid and it is known to be an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with antibacterial qualities. Ancient Greek and Roman had been using this herb’s calming and healing effect as a medicinal remedy for treating wounds.

Historically, lemon balm has been used for improving mood and cognitive function. In one study in 2014 participants were asked to perform various cognitive tasks: maths performance, concentration tasks and memory search. The research confirmed, that participants who were consuming lemon balm performed better than those who didn’t.

Lemon balm tea can improve the quality of sleep and reduce anxiety. The study was carried out on hospitalised burn patients who were given lemon balm tea twice a day for 20 days. The result concluded, that Melissa tea significantly reduces anxiety and depression and improves sleep quality.

Lemon balm can decrease blood pressure. A clinical randomised trial observed the power of Lemon Balm and its ability to decrease systolic and diastolic blood pressures in patience after consumption of Mellissa, compared to placebo.

herbal tea with melissa in a cup with strainer 2021 08 27 16 46 55 utc
Lemon Balm Tea

How to prepare Lemon Balm tea

Ratio: 1/4 cup of fresh lemon balm leaves per cup of water. 1 tsp of dried lemon balm tea leaves per 8 oz. or 250 ml of water. If you are using fresh lemon balm leaves and wish to have a stronger scent you can tear them before placing them into a tea ball.

  1. Boil the amount of water you need
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of dried lemon balm leaves to a tea ball.
  3. Place the tea ball into a teacup and pour the hot water
  4. Steep for 10 minutes and enjoy.

Dangers of Lemon Balm/Melissa

Lemon Balm may lower your blood pressure and you need to be careful if you are taking medications, particularly for blood pressure.

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8. Echinacea herbal tea

Echinacea is a native North American plant and has been used in traditional herbal remedies for more than 400 years by Indian tribes. Echinacea plants are widely used in making herbal medicine from their roots, flowers and leaves.

Today, Echinacea is consumed as a herbal drink for treating common cold and flu symptoms.

A study in 2015, found that drinking echinacea tea in the early stages of cold symptoms may help reduce the duration and symptoms of a common cold. Another study confirmed that in early treatment, echinacea tea showed the same degree of effectiveness as oseltamivir, an antiviral medication used prescription for treating influenza A and influenza B, the viruses that cause the flu. The drink helps with easing the symptoms and the duration of the flu with a reduced risk of complications and adverse events.

Echinacea has been earning popularity among breast cancer patients. The research published in the National Library of Medicine in 2020, has reported the use of Echinacea has shown promising results as an anti-tumour and anti-cancer agent with reduced toxicity in usage in patients with breast cancer. However, more studies need to be conducted to provide key evidence in humans.

tea echinacea in glass cup on board with napkin 2021 07 29 21 03 47 utc
Echinacea Tea

How to prepare Echinacea tea

Ratio: 1/4 cup of loose dried flowers or leaves of echinacea or (1/2 cup of fresh) to 1 cup of water.

  1. Bring water to boil and let it sit for a few minutes to reduce the temperature slightly.
  2. Place echinacea tea in a teapot and pour over hot water.
  3. Let the tea to steep for 5-10 minutes. The longer you live the stronger the flavour will be.
  4. Strain the tea leaves/flowers using a fine mesh strainer into cups.
  5. Serve and enjoy.
pink flowers echinacea 2022 08 01 04 50 24 utc

Dangers of Echinacea

Echinacea has been associated with rashes, itchy skin hives, swelling and stomach pain in some people in rare cases.

9. Rosehip Tea

Rosehip tea is a herbal tea made from the fruit of plants of the genus Rosa, belonging to the Rosaceae family. There are two types of rosehip fruits that can be consumed as herbal tea: Rosa rugosa and Rosa canina. They are native to Europe, Western Asia, Northwest Africa and the US. It is rich in antioxidants with high amounts of vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenoids and phenolic compounds.

Rosehip fruits are versatile and used widely making jam, and juice, used in cosmetics as a vitamin C supplement.

Rosa canina – rose hips, have been used in traditional herbal medicine for more than 2000 years. Its medicinal health-enhanced properties have recently come to light.

Consuming rosehip tea regularly may help in losing weight. A study in 2015, conducted a 12-week a randomised, double-blind clinical trial on 32 pre-obese participants. They were given a placebo tablet or 100mg of rosehip extract once a day without dietary intervention. The participants that digested the extract had significantly reduced abdominal visceral fat, body weight and body mass compared to those that took the placebo.

Drinking rose hip tea may help prevent cardiovascular disease and improve heart health. In 2017 research, revealed that rose hip fruits, seeds and roots show anti-diabetic, anti-obesity and cholesterol-lowering effects in rodents as well as humans.

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Rosehip Tea

How to prepare Rosehip tea

Ratio: 1 tbsp of dried rosehips to 1 cup of water.

  1. Place rosehips into a saucepan and cover them with filtered water.
  2. Bring it to a boil. Once it’s boiled, cover with the lid and let them simmer for 20-25 minutes on low heat until it has a mildly tart, fruity flavour.
  3. Strain out the pulp.
  4. Serve and enjoy sipping throughout the day.

Dangers of Rosehip

All recorded dangers and side effects associated with rosehip are to do with accidentally inhaling the powdered form.

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10. Sage Tea (Salvia officinalis) not Spanish Sage (Salvia lavandulaefolia)

Sage belongs to the mint family and it’s native to the Middle East and Mediterranean area. In folk medicine, it has been used to treat various health conditions relating to inflammation, diarrhoea, ulcers, rheumatism, hyperglycemia and seizures. In recent years, Sage has been studied intensively documenting its powerful health benefit and finding new biological effects.

Sage may help to manage the symptoms associated with an acute menopausal syndrome such as hot flashes and night sweats as well as helps with elevating mood. Studies have shown to ease these symptoms and improve overall feeling in menopausal women who drank sage on a regular basis.

Drinking Sage tea may help with improving the symptoms of type II diabetes. In a controlled clinical trial in 2013, the research found patients who consumed the sage extract regularly showed a significant decrease in blood sugar levels compared to the placebo effect. Furthermore, the consumption of sage resulted in lowering bad cholesterol ultimately leading to a decreased risk of heart disease.

herbal sage tea with green leaf in glass cup 2021 08 26 16 57 44 utc

How to prepare Sage herbal tea

Sage tea can be brewed, with fresh or dried sage leaves or using tea bags.

Ratio: 1 tsp of sage leaves to 1 cup of water.

  1. Bring water to boil on the stove or use a kettle.
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of sage leaves to a tea ball or to a tea infuser and put it in a teacup.
  3. Place the tea infused into a teacup and pour the hot water.
  4. Steep for 10 minutes and enjoy.

Dangers of Sage

Overconsumption of Sage can cause issues with the liver. Studies show that high doses of sage can also lead to hormonal changes, especially affecting estrogen levels.

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11. Marigold /Calendula Tea

The Marigold or Calendula is an all-purpose plant native to Southern Europe. It has been used for thousands of years as colouring for food, make-up, dying fabrics and in medicinal uses for its impressive health benefits.

Marigold has anti-inflammatory property that promotes skin healing by applying cold compresses or ointment to the affected areas of skin due to sunburn, scratches, bites, acne, wounds, warts, blisters dermatitis and boils. One test-tube study found that calendula extract has the ability to increase collagen production during the new tissue formation in healing wounds.

Due to its anti-microbial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory qualities, drinking or gargling Marigold tea can act as an effective remedy for mouth ulcers and gingivitis (chronic inflammation of the gums).

Marigold tea is beneficial for digestion. Drinking tea regularly can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms caused by colitis and IBS. The tea can also help ease menstrual cramps and is beneficial for those who suffer from acid reflux and gastritis as it can treat the symptoms.

marigold tea calendula officinalis 2028 08 26 18 34 07 utc
Marigold/Calendula Tea

How to prepare Marigold/Calendula tea

Ratio: 1 tbsp of organic, edible calendula to 1 cup of water

  1. Add marigold dried flowers into a medium saucepan and cover them in water.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Turn off the heat, and let them infuse for 10 minutes
  4. Strain the tea.
  5. Serve and enjoy.
calendula flowers 2021 11 06 14 39 20 utc

Dangers of Marigold/Calendula

Calendula may interfere with conception and may also cause miscarriage.

How to make herbal tea for health and well-being

When looking for herbal teas, try to use high-quality varieties that have been grown organically. This will ensure that you’re getting the most benefit from the tea. Choose a cup size that is comfortable for you, and follow the instruction on how to steep each tea as not all teas are the same. Some good selections of herbal teas have been shared in this article. However, experiment with different herbs and find what works best for you!

How to store and enjoy herbal tea

When it comes to herbal tea, there are many different types and flavours to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a refreshing drink to help you stay healthy or want to enjoy a unique flavour profile, there’s a tea for you. However, like any other type of beverage, it’s important to take care of your herbal tea so that it can provide you with the most beneficial health benefits.

Here are some tips on how to store and enjoy herbal tea

  • Herbal teas can be stored in the fridge or freezer, but they are best when they are served at room temperature
  • Store it in an airtight container so that the compounds inside remain fresh.
  • If you plan on drinking herbal tea regularly, purchase an airtight glass jar and fill it with your favourite loose-leaf or blends.
  • When drinking herbal tea, be sure to drink it slowly and savour the flavour profile. Many of the health benefits of herbal tea are due to the synergistic effects of the various ingredients. If you drink it quickly, you may not get the full benefit.
  • Finally, be sure to enjoy your herbal tea in moderation. Like all types of beverages, herbal tea can have negative effects (known and yet unknown) if consumed in excess. However, if you enjoy a cup of herbal tea occasionally, it can be a great way to boost your health and well-being.
  • Brew fresh herbal tea every time you drink it as this will keep the herb’s flavour and health benefits intact.
  • Add flavours such as a pinch of stevia if desired.

Final thoughts

When selecting the right herbal tea for your health, it is important to consider your specific needs and preferences.

There are overlapping health benefits so you can choose a tea that you enjoy drinking. This will ensure that you drink it regularly (but not excessively) to make the most out of it.

Leave a comment below to let me know which herbal tea is your favourite and why!

Your questions

What are the benefits of herbal teas?

Each herb has unique properties that can support general wellness and well-being. For example, lavender is a calming herb that can help relieve anxiety and stress. Ginger has been shown to improve liver health and aid in digestion. Peppermint is an anti-inflammatory agent that may help reduce inflammation in the body overall. Drinking rooibos tea can help protect the heart from developing cardiovascular disease. Sage is beneficial for improving the symptoms of type II diabetes. Lemon Balm aid as an antidepressant.

Should you drink herbal teas?

Herbal tea has many benefits that can improve your health in various ways. Be sure to select the right herbal tea for your needs and enjoy it regularly to reap the most benefits.

What are the top reasons to drink herbal tea?

Herbal teas have analgesic properties, meaning they can reduce pain levels.
They also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help manage conditions like arthritis and asthma.
Many herbal teas have cognitive-enhancing effects, such as aiding in memory retention and boosting mental focus.
Some traditional herbal remedies like lemon balm, hibiscus and lavender contain antibacterial properties, so they can be helpful if you’re looking to fight infections.
Herbal tea can help improve your overall health by boosting your immune system and helping to reduce inflammation.
Drinking tea is also a great way to relax and de-stress.
Some herbal teas are also known to help improve your mood and cognitive function.
Herbal tea can also help you lose weight by allowing you to reduce your calorie intake.
Some herbal teas are also known to have anti-cancer properties.
Finally, some herbal teas are also known to have antioxidant properties, which can help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals.

What teas reduce blood pressure?

Hibiscus, Rooibos, Lemon Ginger and Lemon Balm teas are known for reducing blood pressure.

What tea is good for diabetes?

Drinking Sage and Chamomile tea may help with improving the symptoms of type II diabetes.

What tea helps with easing PMS and Menopause symptoms?

Chamomile helps with relieving Premenstrual Syndrome and Sage has been shown to relieve pre-menopause/menopause symptoms.

What herbal tea helps you sleep at night?

Chamomile, Lavender and Lemon Balm promote quality sleep and reduce anxiety.

What tea improves your mood?

Lemon Balm and Sage can improve mood and cognitive function.

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Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future


Therapeutic efficacy and safety of chamomile for state anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and sleep quality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials and quasi-randomized trials – National Library of Medicine


Modulation of cognitive performance and mood by aromas of peppermint and ylang-ylang – National Library of Medicine


Volatile Terpenes and Brain Function: Investigation of the Cognitive and Mood Effects of Mentha × Piperita L. Essential Oil with In Vitro Properties Relevant to Central Nervous System Function – National Library of Medicine


A Novel Delivery System of Peppermint Oil Is an Effective Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms – National Library of Medicine


Antibacterial efficiency of the Sudanese Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.), a famous beverage from Sudanese folk medicine – National Library of Medicine


Hibiscus sabdariffa extract inhibits obesity and fat accumulation, and improves liver steatosis in humans – National Library of Medicine


Hibiscus sabdariffa extract inhibits obesity and fat accumulation, and improves liver steatosis in humans – National Library of Medicine


Protective Effects of Dietary Chamomile Tea on Diabetic Complications – Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry


Effect of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) on arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials – National Library of Medicine

Chamomile tea for relief of primary dysmenorrhea – Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility


Effects of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease – National Library of Medicine


Consumption of sage (Salvia officinalis) promotes ovarian function by stimulating estradiol hormone release and controlling folliculogenesis, steroidogenesis, and autophagy – Science Direct




About the Author

<a href="https://strongwithplants.com/author/inga/" target="_self">Inga K</a>

Inga K

Inga became vegan in March 2018. After a series of documentaries that hit hard, she and her husband switched to a plant-based diet within a week and vegan soon after.Inga has a UK Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Diet and Nutrition.

Strongwithplants.com is a blog for anyone who strives for a healthy and happy life. We share 100% plant-based (and often healthy and oil-free) recipes and give you the best tips on finding vegan local food whilst travelling and living a plant-based lifestyle focusing on good health and spiritual wellbeing.

We like to consume food, products and services that don’t harm our bodies, animals, or the planet. Use as little as possible and recycle everything.

Each individual’s dietary needs are unique. Please seek advice from a professional nutritionist or your doctor.

Please see the full disclaimer here.



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