Sugar Apple or Custard Apple? What is the Difference?

There is so much confusion between these two fruits. People in Sri Lanka tend to interchange between sugar apple and custard apple. But they are two different fruits by their looks although they taste very similar.

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Sugar Apple

Sugar Apple - Amazing fruits in Sri Lanka

This fruit has either bumpy skin or red skin that looks like an artichoke. When it ripens, it is easy to break the fruit in half which will reveal its creamy – white, soft and delightfully fragrant juicy flesh. The flesh is soft and grainy with a large number of inedible black smooth seeds.

The seeds are normally separated in the mouth and spat out. Its sugary sweet taste is very addictive and it is well worth the trouble.

Custard Apple

Custard Apple - Amazing fruits of Sri Lanka

This fruit is covered by green, yellow or red skin which is thick but not hard. It has a pattern like that of a reptile’s scales. Like the sugar apple, its flesh contains a lot of black smooth seeds which can be discarded easily.

The flesh can be juicy and creamy as well as hard. The flavour is sweet and pleasant and tastes like custard. The closest I can get to describing what it’s like to eat this fruit is, it’s like eating strawberries with very sweet pear and cinnamon. Absolutely delicious!

You can buy them in Sri Lanka in supermarkets, fruit shops and at roadside stalls.

Both sugar apple and custard apple are irresistible for their tastes and aroma and that is why it’s loved by many!

Sugar Apple or Custard Apple? What is the difference?

If you want to know about jackfruit, click here.


About the Author

<a href="" target="_self">Inga K</a>

Inga K

Inga became vegan in March 2018. After a series of documentaries that hit hard, she and her husband switched to a plant-based diet within a week and vegan soon after.Inga has a UK Level 5 Advanced Diploma in Diet and Nutrition. is a blog for anyone who strives for a healthy and happy life. We share 100% plant-based (and often healthy and oil-free) recipes and give you the best tips on finding vegan local food whilst travelling and living a plant-based lifestyle focusing on good health and spiritual wellbeing.

We like to consume food, products and services that don’t harm our bodies, animals, or the planet. Use as little as possible and recycle everything.

Each individual’s dietary needs are unique. Please seek advice from a professional nutritionist or your doctor.

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